+44 7879 910 545 info@marrelle.com


Procedure Time

30 minutes

Recovery Time


Duration of Results

3 months

Visible Results

7-14 days

Prices From



Volite contains hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the skin that helps maintain hydration and volume. However, unlike traditional dermal fillers that are used to add volume to specific areas of the face, Volite is classified as a skin booster or skin quality treatment.

When injected into the skin, Volite provides deep hydration and stimulates collagen production, resulting in improved skin texture, elasticity, and overall quality. It helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and skin imperfections, leaving the skin looking smoother, plumper, and more radiant.

Volite treatments typically involve a series of injections into the superficial layers of the skin using a fine needle or cannula. The procedure is relatively quick and minimally invasive, with little to no downtime.

Results from Volite treatments are noticeable shortly after the procedure and continue to improve over time as collagen production is stimulated. The effects of Volite can last for several months, with many individuals opting for maintenance treatments to sustain the benefits.

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